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I'm a mom of four amazing beautiful Souls, and significant other to Joe, my sweet partner an amazing Chef  that I learn so much from on this journey.


 After having cancer in 2010, I became a Certified Health Coach in 2016.


Then Felt called to Reiki and energy healing in 2017, up until 2022. 


I also became a certified life/Mindset  coach with the former Bob Proctor in 2019 but am no longer affiliated with that company.


I love sharing Law of Attraction in my coaching. 


I was trained in Transformational Breath work in 2022.



I'm just a soul that loves to hold space for other souls on their way to happiness.

I listen.



That's my gift, listening, being empathetic and sharing my knowledge with you.


I love to sit over coffee and really hear someone and their struggles, and help them to know they are not alone, and share what I know will help them.


We are all on this journey together, and I think we need eachother.


I have been through challenges in life where I could have really used someone to hold that space for me, to share my feelings, my story, what I'm going through and have someone who resonates with what I'm going through.


If you found me, and you resonate with what I share, then you're in the right place.


Our energy brought us together.


We can always help others best when we have been in a similar place as them.


The women that  resonate with me and seem to "find me out of nowhere"  are going through these things~


Little to no happiness in life

Trying to fill the void with material things

Mid life crisis

Marriage/relationship seems like it needs to end. ( It doesn't) 

Feeling it's your partners fault that you are unhappy

Diagnosis with Dis-ease of some sort

Undiagnosed but not feeling well.


Panic attacks

Always feeling like the cup is half empty

Feeling unsettled



This journey we are on is a life long learning process. 


In 2010 when I went through the  cancer experience it started a big shift in my life.

They always say big things that are traumatic change you, and they do. 


After I went through that, I wanted to help others not have to go through what I went through with cancer because it was quite traumatic.


At that time, I thought the answer to that was what we put in our body, so I became a certified health coach.


From there, I learned about Reiki and energy healing and how our  thoughts emotions can cause dis-ease in the body. 


Our body is very complex, and we are all made of energy. 

Our thoughts and emotions affect our vibrational state, and when that is low, that's when dis-ease starts to happen in the body. 


Sometimes it can take years for this to happen, and sometimes it can happen pretty quickly.


I started doing Intuitive body scans, in which I connect with you energetically,  and get information on where you may have stuck energy in your body and what it is coming from.


I feel that the body scans are beneficial, but the bottom line is you have to change your vibrational state NOW. 


I can tell you where you may have an energetic blockage, but what will fix that is changing your vibrational state, so Aligning with happiness and love are front and center.


Of course there are layers to this, it takes time and understanding and being willing to do the work.


Layers and layers. 


I’ve come a long way in my own journey, and have done lots of studies, read hundreds of books, and spent about 30,000 on coaches for myself.


 I believe sharing what I’ve been through and what I continue to learn helps other women.  


I was reading about addiction and and how people surrender to God at some point, and I resonated with the thought that my problem isn’t alcohol or drugs but the nasty  women inside my head. 


Negativity/fear  was my destruction.  My hell on earth. 


When you live with something for SO long, you don’t even realize it’s there.  It’s just “normal” to you. Until it’s not.  I didn’t know until far after divorce, and trying to manage a new relationship and life that my thoughts were so negative. 

I literally didn’t know. 


The assumptions I made about life and people, negative.  

I didn’t see it. 


Not that I was mean to people. The thoughts were more like “ He doesn’t really love me” “what does she want from me? She can’t be just doing this out of kindness” like literally every damn thought went in some negative way first, assuming the worst is or will happen. 


I didn’t even realize it.  Like at all. 


It wasn’t an addiction to a substance but kind an addiction to fear and negativity that was underlying.  


Now that the fog has cleared, most days, not all, but most, I can identify that shit. 


Im mindful and aware of my thoughts now.  


They sure still come, but less and less and I can redirect them much quicker. 


I share this because I know it will help someone. 

I know someone will resonate with it and wonder, is that me? 


If you're questioning it, it probably is you.  


If you're anxious and stressed out, it’s you.  


Of all the healing work I’ve learned and shared with my clients over the last few years, this is one of the most important, that  will save you from all kinds of destruction in your life.  


What is needed is a change in perception.  


A return to love and happiness. 


I look forward to meeting you, having coffee and holding space for you on your healing journey to happiness and love. 

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  • B.P.T. (Bachelor Of Physiotherapy)- Dulton College of Physiotherapy.   

  • M.P.T. (Master Of Physiotherapy)- Dulton College of Physiotherapy. 

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